Anna Bolena – Excerpts in Concert

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    Sunday, Oct. 31, 3pm

    Isham Park, Inwood (Near Bruce’s Garden at 215th & Bruce Reynold’s Way)


    cast of Anna Bolena

    Ellen Teufel
    , Anne Boleyn
    Kayla Faccilongo, Jane Seymour
    Frederick Schlick, Lord Percy
    Vincent Grana, King Henry VIII
    SarahAnn Duffy, Smeaton
    Robert FengLord Rochefort
    Stefan BarnerHervey
    Mun-Tzung Wong, Pianist and Music Director


    Monica Niemi, Anne Boleyn
    Perri di Christina, Smeaton
    Rick Agster, Rochefort


    Italicized portions of the synopsis are not represented in this concert.

    King Henry’s fickle heart burns with another love, and Queen Anne’s position is threatened.  Jane Seymour enters at the request of the Queen, who admits to Jane that she is troubled. The Queen asks her court musician Smeaton to play and sing to cheer the people present, but stops him, troubled by thoughts of her first love, Percy, and her unhappiness on the throne.

    Henry VIII meets Jane secretly and tells her that soon she will have no rival – she shall have both husband and the throne.

    Lord Rochefort, Anna’s brother, is surprised by the arrival of Lord Richard Percy, called back to England from exile by Henry VIII.  Percy inquires about the happiness of his past love, Anne, and Rochefort answers that love is never content.

    Percy is excited at the prospect of seeing Anne.  Henry, upon arrival, does not allow Percy to kiss his hand, but says that Anna has given him assurances of Percy’s innocence but she still has feelings for Percy. Henry VIII tells Hervey, an officer of the king, to spy on every step and every word of Anna and Percy.

    Smeaton enters the Queens apartments to return a locket containing Anna’s portrait which he has stolen.  He hides when he hears a sound, and Anne and Rochefort enter. Rochefort pleads with Anne to meet with and calm the volatile Percy.  Percy arrives, and observes that Anna is unhappy. He reveals that he still loves her, but Anne does not wish to speak of their love.  Percy asks whether he can see Anne again and she refuses. He draws his sword to stab himself, and as Anne screams, Smeaton rushes out, believing that Percy is attacking Anne.  As Smeaton and Percy are about to fight, Anne faints, and first Rochefort and then the King enter.  Henry proclaims that all here have betrayed their king. Smeaton denies this, and tearing open his tunic to offer his breast to the king, the locket with Anna’s portrait falls at the king’s feet. He orders that all be dragged to dungeons.

    Act 2

    Jane arrives as Anne prays alone.  She counsels Anne that she can avoid execution by admitting guilt, but the Queen will not buy her life with infamy. As Anne expresses her hope that her successor will wear a crown of thorns, Jane admits that she is to be the successor. Anne forgives Jane and names Henry alone as the guilty one.

    Hervey tells the courtiers that Smeaton has ‘confessed’ and has revealed a crime. Henry VIII enters, and Hervey reveals that Smeaton has fallen into the trap. Henry commands Hervey to continue to let Smeaton believe that he has saved Anna’s life.  As Percy and Anne are brought in separately, Henry claims that Anna has made love to the page Smeaton, and that there are witnesses; both Anna and Percy will die. Percy exclaims that in the eyes of heaven, he and Anna are married. They are led away by guards.

    Jane enters, and pleads that she does not want to be the cause of Anna’s death. Henry VIII says that she will not save Anna by leaving. Hervey enters and says that the council has dissolved the royal marriage and has condemned Anna and her accomplices to death. Courtiers and Jane ask the king to be merciful. He tells them to leave.

    As Percy and Rochefort wait in their cell, Hervey enters and says that the king has pardoned them. Hearing that Anne, however, is to be executed, they choose to be executed also.

    Anne waits in her cell, imagining in her madness that it is her wedding day to the king, and that as Percy arrives, she asks him to take her back to her childhood home.  Percy, Rochefort and Smeaton are brought in. Smeaton throws himself at Anna’s feet and says that he accused her in the belief that he was saving her life. In her delirium, Anna asks him why he is not playing his lute.  Cannon fire returns Anne to her senses. When she is told that Giovanna and Enrico are being acclaimed by the populace on their wedding day, she says she does not wish vengeance on them. She faints as guards enter to lead the prisoners to the block.


    Approximately 90 minutes, with no intermission.  Bring a blanket or chairs and a snack.  Social distancing highly encouraged.


    Isham Park lawn - Inwood

    map of Isham Park


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