Manon Resources

    (from Victoria Crutchfield)
    The Draughtsman’s Contract on YouTube – this is a little earlier than our period (the wigs for men by 1730 are muuuuuch smaller), but it is still a good reference for movement.A scene from Barry Lyndon on YouTube – this is exactly our period!
    The Elegant Art of Movement by Alicia Annas (excerpts)
    Victoria’s Pinterest board of Rococo poses – still images can be helpful too, although many of these are a little later than our period.
    Prevost, Manon Lescaut (Waddell translation, 1935) Book I  Book II
    Kushner: Erotic Exchanges: The World of Elite Prostitution in Eighteenth Century Paris (Cornell University Press) Amazon listing (Victoria Crutchfield’s recommended reading at least for Manon, Poussette, Javotte, Rosette)